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Your Transponder Key is Lost; What to Do About It!

Have you lost your transponder key? If so, you know how stressful this can be! A million thoughts rush through your head in rapid succession. Where did you lose it? Did someone pick it up? Is your car in danger of being stolen now? How much will it cost to replace your key? How long will it take? Did you just misplace your key and you just have to remember where? Part of the problem is that transponder keys are not like ordinary keys; you just don’t go and get a copy made at your local gas station or home improvement store; they are not authorized by your car maker to do that.

Calm down!

First of all, calm down. Whether you live here in Desoto, TX or elsewhere, there are things you can do to ease the problem. You can always be more effective if you remain calm so stop what you are doing and take a deep breath. We’ll go over some practical tips on what to do if your transponder key is lost or missing so read on and take note!

Let’s back up a bit…

First of all, be sure that your lost key is a transponder key and not something else. In today’s modern era, there are many different kinds of car keys. Before 1990 there really was only one kind of key; the standard car key! After 1990, advances in anti-theft devices and car locks have change things up a bit. Now we have regular car keys, smart keys, keyless remotes, switchblade keys, valet keys, master keys and of course, transponder keys. These new key types have made a huge impact in car theft prevention as they are difficult to copy and only authorized dealers have the needed codes to make replacements.

A thief can no longer “borrow” your keys and make a duplicate at the corner convenience store in order to steal your car at a later date. Now, these anti-theft keys can shut down the car or even prevent it from driving but they are very time consuming and costly to replace.


The word transponder means to transmit. This is exactly what these keys do; they transmit a signal to your car’s computer. The key has a chip embedded in the head that is programmed to match your car’s onboard computer. When the driver turns the transponder key, it sends the signal and if recognized, the car starts. Car dealerships charge quite a bit to make and program these keys and this is part of the stress when one is lost; they are so much trouble and expensive to replace!

So, should I call my dealership?

You can, but why spend so much money and time when you don’t have to? The common misconception is that ONLY dealerships have the authorization to duplicate or program transponder keys. That’s wrong; certain qualified locksmith shops do too, including ours. If you don’t live in the area, be sure to check with a full service automotive locksmith shop near you.

Wait! Can’t I order one online?

Yes, you can but it won’t work and getting your money back is an almost impossibility. True transponder keys need to have their computer chips matched to your car and this online source can’t very well get access to your car, can they? Some people opt for this very unreliable method of transponder key replacement but almost all wind up regretting the time and money spent and all for nothing.

What about a spare key?

Do you have a spare transponder key now? Keep track of it. In fact, we recommend that you use a local, full service automotive locksmith to make an additional copy of it now, before you’ve lost or broken yours. Using a locksmith saves you money and gives you the additional peace of mind that you’ve got a perfectly duplicated key to use as a spare if ever needed. Consider giving one of your spare transponders to a friend, close co-worker or family member for safekeeping.

Remember who you gave it to and make sure that you have access to them at all times. In fact, keep their current phone number logged in your mobile devices in case you need them to bring you your spare during an emergency. Even if you don’t want to have an additional spare transponder key made, keep careful track of your current extra key. Know where it is at all times in case you ever need it. If you had a spare transponder key once and lost it, have a new one made as soon as possible. If you never need it; great! But if you do, you are already prepared.

Can I call any locksmith?

No; not really. You’ll want a licensed, bonded and insured automotive locksmith to make your new transponder keys and program them. As said previously, not all locksmiths will have the authorization, skill and ability to do the job right. We recommend calling first and verifying that indeed, transponder keys to your make and model of vehicle can be duplicated and programmed by their technicians. The best part is this; the right locksmith shop will come to you and work at your location.

No need to have your vehicle towed in or to have to sit in a hot, crowded service waiting area for hours. Many locksmiths offer same day service and round the clock emergency assistance. Call around and get some price quotes on this service. Do the same with some car dealerships and compare the difference! You’ll be pleasantly shocked at the huge difference in price for the exact same service.

Desoto Locksmith Services

24 Hour Locksmiths
Dispatch Address: 1369 N Hampton Rd, Desoto, TX 75115
Email: info@desotolocksmith.org
Phone: (214) 461-4859